Our Last Year

Last year of school always be the saddest year, isn’t it?

But now I think, beside sadness, I also feel the loneliness. Since we have to prepare for our Ujian Nasional, everyone starts taking a course outside (I am none of them, my parents don’t allow me to take course because I get tired easily and they worry about my health) and they get busier with their own business. I rarely (or never?) say this kind of thing out loud, even if I really want to, but the truth is, I miss that time when we were in our first and second year, when we had more leisure time. When we didn’t really feel haunted by that Ujian Nasional.

We have 8-9 months left to be together. It’s quite big in number, but I bet it will be really fast when we live in it. At first, I thought my high school would be a very very very long journey to make, but after I went trough the past 2 years, I’m surprised that we only have less than a year left to spend our time together. Sometimes I regret for not enjoying those times but grumbling and complaining. Huh, we’ve been fooled by the time, I think?